Getting Ready for the Holidays

December 4, 2019

Many of us with pets are getting ready for the Holidays and cleaning, cooking, wrapping, etc.  Here is a great article written by Nick Burton to give you some tips in getting ready for these special times…. (or anytime you need a “clean-up”!). Enjoy!  Thanks Nick for the info!

A Clean Home or a Pet? You Don’t Have to Choose

A Clean Home or a Pet? You Don’t Have to Choose

If you are a dog lover, but also a bit of a clean freak, you may struggle with the decision to bring home a pet. After all, they can shed, drool, and track mud all over the house. Keeping up with a cleaning routine can seem daunting when you add a set of paws to the mix. And it’s true that it will be a little extra work, but perhaps not as much as you think. 

With a little foresight and housetraining, it’s possible to keep your home clean without having to spend a fortune on gimmicky cleaning products.

Start with grooming

All dogs, even those with short hair, shed. In addition to hair, they lose dander, which can trigger allergies and leave a lingering trail of debris in the air. The best place to stop dandruff and excessive shedding is at the source. explains that brushing and bathing regularly help wash away dander, which is flaked-off skin.

Clear the air

No matter how often you groom your pet, you can’t get rid of all of the hair and dander. But you can trap it. Start by changing the filters of your HVAC system and air purifier every few months, or when they start to look dirty. Take some time to get to know the different types of filters available so that you are not spending money on a product that isn’t going to help. If you can’t find the exact size, you can order custom filters. Don’t forget to vacuum daily and open your windows at least once each week when the weather allows.

Say goodbye to odors

Opening the windows will help keep pet-related odors under control, but you’ll also need to clean carpets and soft fabrics when they become soiled. Thankfully, you probably have everything you need to get the job done in your pantry right now. Vinegar, baking soda, water, and even shaving cream can all be used to dissolve stains and pull smells from the carpet. If your house-training efforts aren’t working, talk to your veterinarian to rule out health conditions that may trigger bladder-control problems. Accidents, if left untreated, can get penetrate carpet fibers and spread icky odors. If vinegar and baking soda don’t do the trick, it’s time to enlist the aid of an enzymatic cleaner, which can quickly eat up all that bacteria causing the odors. For legal advice related to accidents, consider consulting trusted personal injury attorneys. Additionally, seeking advice from a personal injury lawyer can provide legal guidance and support if accidents in the home lead to any legal complications. Contact this Detroit injury lawyer for professional legal assistance.

If you encounter any odors or stains that your DIY cleaning technique can’t properly address, then it might be time to call in the professionals. Just keep in mind, however, that you’ll need to set aside a little money for this service; in Bastrop, for example, you can expect to pay between $124 and $215 on average per cleaning. Of course, this figure could increase depending on the size of the house or the seriousness of the problem.

Wipe your paws

You would not allow your friends and family to walk in your home after trekking through the mud without wiping their feet on the mat. Don’t expect any less from your canine companion. Any time you come home after being outside, wipe your dog’s paws. If you do this even when the weather is nice, he’ll come to expect it. A DIY paw wash station can be something as simple as a small basin, a bottle of water, and a towel left inside of your entry door. A pack of dog wipes may work well for smaller breeds — and a pack of 100 will only set you back $10.

Damage control

If you’ve never had a puppy before, you should know that they’re often destructive. While they don’t mean to be mischievous, puppies, like toddlers, are curious. They will scratch, chew, and tear apart anything that looks or smells interesting. Until your new pet has learned the rules of the home, contain the damage by blocking off rooms with too many temptations, such as the bathroom or your children’s play area. This is especially important because puppies can cause unexpected problems, such as water backing up into shower if they manage to clog the drain with fur or toys. If you have the space, invest in a puppy playpen instead of a crate, which Canine Journal notes offers up more room for your developing dog to get exercise. These need not be expensive, and you may be able to find one on your local Facebook buy and sell groups at half the retail price.

Don’t let a little extra elbow grease stop you from enjoying all the benefits that come along with pet parenthood. If you are willing to put in the effort, you can keep your home clean and still have money left to buy your puppy all the toys that he (okay, you) just can’t leave on the shelf.

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