As I have often told my kids, life is really just a series of one challenge after another, and it doesn’t necessarily matter what that challenge is….what matters is how we deal with it. This last year has been an enormous challenge for us as my husband underwent open heart surgery and shortly after that I had a recurrence of my breast cancer from 5 years ago. Because of this, we took quite a bit of time off from breeding last year.

This year has been a bit of reflection and good in so many ways. Because of our age (yes, its hard to admit!) we will be winding down our business in the next few years and feel a bit of sadness in that regard, but so fortunate and blessed to have had these lovely creatures for so much of our lives.

We have planned several breedings for 2024 and hope to have some lovely pups. Pomeranians still capture our hearts in every regard and their personalities are just like none other. They are our family…. and each one is so unique and special.

I hope you aren’t thrown any curveballs this year….but if you are….grab hold of the positive things you are grounded in and just throw it right back! πŸ™‚

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We are definitely in the “dog days of summer” now…here in Texas as well as in many parts of the country we are under an extreme heat wave. Our pups live for the air conditioning just as we are doing right now. πŸ™‚ It’s crucial to have the AC unit checked if you notice that ac unit not spinning outside, to keep everyone cool and comfortable during this intense heat.

It is hard to keep everything cool and hydrated right now…..our chickens are hiding under the coop. The birds peek out in the morning and evening, the pups can be found inside most of the day now, and well, I’m right there with them! I find myself going outside early in the morning and late in the evening, but with the humidity here in central Texas it is so uncomfortable and frankly quite dangerous to be outside during the middle of the day.

I have resorted to playing with my freeze dryer and getting used to it (a new exciting piece of equipment) and finding lots of chores inside during the majority of the day.

We have several moms “due” coming in August and September and we have a lot to do to get ready for our next “crew”. We are so excited about the variety of colors we hope to have…it is like Christmas year round for me…..I never cease to get so excited to see what our pairings will produce.

I hope everyone is faring well… is strange times we live in right now and the future is so unpredictable. Since my breast cancer in 2019 we continue to live with our new life motto…”one day at a time”. We have today, but tomorrow has not yet been decided… life to the fullest….love until your heart is full and with complete abandone…..and cherish all the memories you make today. Oh, and pray that Fall comes early this year!!! Sending love your way…..

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Honey’s babies are here!

Honey had two lovely little babies on Friday, January 21st. She was actually a day late, but the babies are nice and healthy and we are so excited to have them. This was Honey’s first litter and she did awesome….she is a trooper! First baby was breach and she had a longer labor because of it, but we made it through together! She is such a great mom….instantly. It never ceases to amaze me how the new moms know exactly what to do…..tearing the sack perfectly….biting the cord at exactly the appropriate place to ensure the puppy doesn’t bleed out…..licking them incessantly at all the appropriate places to ensure good blood flow and bowels….so much! How can they know all that? Birth truly is a miracle and experiencing it first hand…..well, let’s just say I never tire of it. Of course, when there are problems, and they do happen, well that’s another chapter in itself.

I will be posting a litter photo of Honey’s babies later today on the “available” puppies page….she had a gorgeous cream boy and and a white girl….both are stunning.

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New goals for a New Year

So these last couple of years have been pretty crazy for us here….no doubt you can relate….the phrase my husband and I have recited the most this past year is “that is so weird!”….everything is truly weird….no other way to describe it. Since 2019 I have survived breast cancer, the premature loss of my younger brother, moving in with my parents to help them and enjoy them as they finish their incredible journey through this life, and then….COVID! My husband and I have both had Covid twice and we are guessing we may get it again since we have 12 grandchildren who visit us frequently whom we adore and love to kiss on. :). Welcome to 2022….we were hoping for a less dramatic year, but now we have just found out that my husband has a valve in his heart that is not working properly, soooooo we are now looking at open heart surgery for him in February….just letting you know ahead of time I might be out of pocket for a week or so during that time and hard to reach…. On a lighter and happier note, we are extremely excited about our new babies to be born in 2022. So many people have had a new sweet little pom join their family in the last year or so and in this crazy social climate we live in at the moment, what a fountain of joy they bring! I have missed writing on my blog and staying connected to my “people” and hope that this will be the start of a new habit of writing more often. I wish you all the happiest of New Years and hope you are looking forward with anticipation for this to be a great year. We could all use a dose of love and kindness and especially affection…..sending hugs from our home to yours….

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