Pom Puppy Tips

Congratulations on the purchase of your new Pomeranian puppy. You can expect years of enduring companionship with the proper love and care. Many poms live up to 15 years of age, and some even longer. Should you ever have questions or concerns about any puppy purchased from us, please do not hesitate to email, call, or write. We are dedicated to providing quality support for the life of your puppy. If you need services like those online pet grooming schools, there are tons of commendable options available right now.

Following are some general guidelines to ensure your new puppy’s smooth transition into your home. These experts can offer valuable tips on puppy training, health care, and overall well-being. Remember, having access to reliable information can make the journey of raising a happy and healthy puppy much easier.

1) Always keep a clean, fresh supply of water. Poms do well either free-fed (having food always readily available) or on a schedule. Just remember that young puppies three months old or less, need to be fed 2 – 4 times a day depending on their size. Puppies six months and younger can be fed 2 – 3 times a day, finally weaning to twice a day by a year. Some people eventually feed only once a day, but due to the small size and high metabolism of Pomeranians, I feel that they should be fed at least twice a day if schedule feeding.

2) Pomeranian puppies, as well as any breed of dog, will live longer and much healthier lives if they are fed very high quality dog food. Dog food purchased at the grocery store does not compare to the top brands available on the market usually found at pet stores or at the Veterinary Clinic.  We have used several of the major brands and after much experimentation, we found that grain free in any of the best brands made the biggest difference in our poms health, coat and teeth,  We have been using “Life’s Abundance” for many years now and have been extremely satisfied.  We have lots of happy and satisfied owners who have now switched as well.  We became distributors of the food once we realized how much we liked it and have been using it since that time.  If you are interested in becoming a distributor as well, be sure to let me know….it helps supplement our puppy food bill and is such an awesome food.  A win/win!   Of course we use the All Stage, grain free….and we are so happy with it.   We often supplement our dogs diet both to aid in their nutrition and to give them variety by giving them eggs, fresh cooked chicken, canned or fresh fish, etc. Anything with high quality protein with no added fat or spices.

3) Do not give your dogs table scraps other than simple meat or greens with no added spices. Dogs were never intended to eat the processed foods we generally eat and when given typical table food, it will lead to health problems and very bad teeth. I have heard of too many dogs dying before their time due to health complications that have a direct correlation with indulging in table food.

4) In addition to good nutrition, your new puppy will need lots of attention and love. The first four to six months are critical in the formation of your dogs personality and responsiveness to you. If you are consistent with your potty training and discipline, and are very consistent with a routine for him, he/she will give you years of ease and pleasure. Dogs thrive on routine and they need to know what is expected of them at all times. Most dogs, but especially Pomeranians, need firm but loving discipline. Yelling or hitting these sweet dogs will not produce the end result that you desire. They will respond much better to a firm, “no” and a voice of displeasure, but if you create fear in them, they will likely not want to come when called, and will often avoid contact. In the early months, “treat training” is always effective. “Treat training” consists of having very small treats available to reward the dog when he/she comes when called, goes to his/her crate upon command, sits on command, etc. Sometimes throw in a treat “just because” so they always associate you with pleasant things. You will find this type of training very effective and rewarding.

5) New pomeranian puppies who have been recently separated from their mom or littermates, will often cry the first few nights. You might find that placing an article of your clothing or especially an old shoe very effective in calming their fears. Something about having the familiar smell of their master close by alleviates a lot of the separation anxiety. It is essential you work hard to raise a pom that is confident when left alone, as this will make boarding the dog easier.

6) Practicing good grooming will keep your Pom looking great, but also provides a nice “bonding” time. Depending on the type of coat your Pom has, grooming once or twice a week is sufficient. Some of the silkier coated Poms can go longer as they don’t tend to matt as easily. You should not have to bathe them too often, but when you do, always remember to brush them out first. If not, wetting down their coat may cause matting which will be much harder to brush out. Keeping the nails clipped is always important. Ask your vet to show you the proper way to clip the nails. It is easy to clip them too short and cause them to bleed. Remember to keep the hair around their nails clipped short as well. This makes clipping their nails a lot easier. They are easy to clip once you know how. Keeping the fur around the anus very short, or shaving the area, can prevent fecal matter from attaching and becoming hard and makes for a nicely groomed and clean pup.

7) Pomeranian puppies will not have their full coat until they are about 2 years of age. There are several stages of coat that you need to be aware of. Otherwise, you will think you have been given some strange mixed breed! About 10-16 weeks of age your puppy will go through a stage which is called “puppy uglies”. They are losing their baby coat and are getting ready to transition over to a more adult coat. Most Poms will have a full coat by the time they are one year old and by the time they are two years old, will be amazing you with their beautiful, lush coat. Females will “blow” their coat after weaning puppies, or at the time of their cycle that they would have weaned if they have not become pregnant. Because of this, females are always less likely to be in full coat. Males on the other hand, once they have reached maturity at about eighteen months, maintain their beautiful adult coat. (However, they may thin their coat once a year or so.)

8) While your puppy is still young, in the first few weeks and months, especially as he/she is getting used to his/her new environment, it is important that you know that because of their small size, Pomeranian puppies are susceptible to low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. This is a common occurrence amongst toy breeds. Hypoglycemia is easily treated if caught early, so it is imperative that you recognize the symptoms. The first sign is a slowing or listlessness.

It’s important to differentiate between normal puppy sleep behavior and signs of a serious health issue like hypoglycemia. When a puppy is simply going to sleep, they can typically be awakened easily. In contrast, a puppy experiencing hypoglycemia may appear disoriented and unresponsive, indicating a medical emergency rather than normal sleep.

Proper sleep is crucial for a puppy’s health and development, this is why dog beds washable are so important to have. Puppies require ample rest for their growth and well-being. During sleep, they process new information and experiences, which is essential for their learning and training.

And if you’re looking for a comfortable bed, then you may consider checking out tv beds so that you can sleep and watch in comfort with your fur babies.

However, if a puppy shows symptoms like disorientation when they should be waking from sleep, it could be a sign of hypoglycemia. As the condition progresses, the puppy might tremble, stagger, or even have convulsions. In severe cases, they may enter a comatose state, appearing limp and lifeless, and can be mistakenly thought to be in a deep sleep or even dead. Without immediate treatment, this condition can be fatal.

Fortunately, with prompt and proper treatment, a puppy can often recover from hypoglycemia at almost any stage. It’s vital for puppy owners to recognize the difference between a puppy simply sleeping and one showing signs of a serious health issue like hypoglycemia.

Treatment consists of rubbing Nutri-Cal (or karo syrup, or honey) on the puppy’s gums or under his tongue or on the roof of his mouth. Make sure you keep him warm and feed him some soft dog food as quickly as possible. This condition can be brought on by too much handling, too long between meals, or any kind of stressful situation created. Try to eliminate whatever may have caused this onset. You may never experience this with your Pom, and if you do, it may only happen once. Being aware of the symptoms is key. In 19 years, I have only had one small Pom have a problem, but she was treated quickly and never experienced another episode.

9) Last of all, just love your new pomeranian puppy and enjoy him. You may want to have two! Poms thoroughly enjoy each other and are very social animals. They are full of love and make extraordinary companions. They are a special, and delightful breed. I cannot stress enough buying from a reputable breeder. Reputable breeders will breed not only for appearance and type, but the sweet temperament Poms are famous for. Temperament is as much a hereditary factor as color and sex, and care must be given to promote this in the breed. You will be rewarded for many years to come if you are careful in your selection of your new “baby”

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