New goals for a New Year

So these last couple of years have been pretty crazy for us here….no doubt you can relate….the phrase my husband and I have recited the most this past year is “that is so weird!”….everything is truly weird….no other way to describe it. Since 2019 I have survived breast cancer, the premature loss of my younger brother, moving in with my parents to help them and enjoy them as they finish their incredible journey through this life, and then….COVID! My husband and I have both had Covid twice and we are guessing we may get it again since we have 12 grandchildren who visit us frequently whom we adore and love to kiss on. :). Welcome to 2022….we were hoping for a less dramatic year, but now we have just found out that my husband has a valve in his heart that is not working properly, soooooo we are now looking at open heart surgery for him in February….just letting you know ahead of time I might be out of pocket for a week or so during that time and hard to reach…. On a lighter and happier note, we are extremely excited about our new babies to be born in 2022. So many people have had a new sweet little pom join their family in the last year or so and in this crazy social climate we live in at the moment, what a fountain of joy they bring! I have missed writing on my blog and staying connected to my “people” and hope that this will be the start of a new habit of writing more often. I wish you all the happiest of New Years and hope you are looking forward with anticipation for this to be a great year. We could all use a dose of love and kindness and especially affection…..sending hugs from our home to yours….

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Sweet Gemma

Well, we have had a string of unusual things happening around here and now we can add Gemma to our list. Many of you have been waiting with such excitement for her litter to arrive and although she has seemed large and pregnant to us, we have been slightly suspicious these last few days that something was not quite the same……well we were right, it appears that Gemma is having a “false pregnancy” and although having the signs of being pregnant, she does not actually have any babies. This is a rare event, but does happen occasionally. She is doing fine in all other regards, so we are grateful for that. She should be fine to breed again, so we will do that at the appropriate time for her.

We are still looking forward to Annabelle’s babies due this weekend.

Life is full of twists and turns and we have to face them with optimism and hope. It is the same with our pups. I believe everything is for a reason.

Hope all is well for all of you….especially in this crazy world we are living in right now!

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Dogs can help with Depression!

We are living in such incredibly strange times…..unlike anything we have ever known. Many are dealing with anxiety, grief, fear and isolation and loneliness. We are experiencing a surge in requests for puppies and I am attributing that to the fact that dogs truly do comfort us in so many ways. I myself, could not imagine life without their companionship and love.

Rob Evans has written a really great article on Canine By Design and best friend during depression. Pomeranians in particular make the BEST companions and no matter how strange or sad it gets around us, there will always be room in our hearts for those sweet puppy kisses and that special love that melts your heart.

I hope everyone is staying in and staying well. I know things will get better soon. We are all in this together!

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Tackling Dog Anxiety

January 4, 2020

Wow!  I can’t believe another decade has passed…..2020 seems like such a futuristic number…hard to get my head around it.  It’s been one of the hardest years of my life dealing with cancer this year, so I can’t say I’m truly sad to leave 2019, but I AM looking forward with such gratefulness and with open expectations for a New and Wonderful Year! I wish the same for all of you….that you will live life with wild abandon and know that we only have today….lets make it count.  🙂

Jackie Shelton has written a wonderful article on anxiety in our pets so I wanted to share it with you.  Hope you enjoy it!  Happy New Year!  🙂

Tackling Dog Anxiety: Common Causes and Potential Solutions

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