March Winds Bring April Showers

Ahhhh, how I love this time of year.  I savor every minute of Springtime.  Everything is vibrant and alive and exploding with color….I wish it could always be like this.  The air is crisp and the rays of the sun so warm with a nice cool breeze….love, love, love….Our Spring is so brief here we have to savor every moment.  I have been so busy this Spring with puppies but I still have to take time to sit in my swing with a hot cup of tea and soak in the beauty….it is fleeting….

We have such a beautiful group of puppies right now….lots of blacks.  We were supposed to have lots of merles, but sometimes you just get black instead….but that’s ok…the blacks are  beautiful too.

All of our poms love this time of year too.  I keep having to do a “double” take as I pass by the big window where I watch them in the back….twice this week it looked like a horrible massacre with them all laid out in the grass like they had been shot.  After a brief gasp and a double heartbeat, I realized they were ALL completely asleep laid out in the grass with the wind blowing their hair and soaking in the rays and the cool fresh air….what a life!  LOL  It was really a sight to see.

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Spring as much as we are.  Soak in the beauty while it is here.



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