Many of our precious little pups will be leaving in the next week as we wind up our fun Spring litters. It has been an unusual and complicated Spring, but all these happy little faces have brought us such joy as I know they will bring to their respective new families.  There is just no way to keep a smile off of your face when you have these happy little creatures jumping and smiling and waiting to be loved and played with.

We still have a few pups available and I will be getting pictures updated later this week.  We have bred a few of our mamas for summer litters and I will be updating the expecting litters page soon as well.

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Spring weather before the onslaught of summer.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those being misplaced due to the flooding down the Mississippi river and the horrible unusual weather this Spring in many states.
As always, be sure to let me know if you would like to put on my updates/notification email list to receive notice of new births and reduced prices, etc….

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